The evolution of the athletic law at national and international level are remarkably rapid.
The financial growth of professional sports has inevitably resulted in violations of legal and moral rules and principles. Parallel to the above, the phenomena of violence in sports arenas and hooliganism increase constantly and day after day.
Our experience, expertise and scientific interest in commercial law allows us to combine the two law fields of both commercial and athletic law, which are inextricably linked to each other, in order to achieve the best possible results.
The athletic law has implementations in many other law fields, such as Civil law, Commercial law, Criminal law etc. That is one of the main reasons why it is completely necessary for the attorney at law to study the relevant changes in legislation.
Indicatively, we are capable of handling:
- Cases regarding occasions of violence in sports arenas and hooliganism
- Cases of illegal drug use
- Cases related to the establishment and operation of the athletic guilds and clubs
- Financial differences among athletes, coaches and athletic guilds
- Legal representation of athletic guilds etc.